홈 Consultation report Apply for a Consultation

Apply to a Consultation

Interview requests must be applied at least one day in advance to facilitate interview consultation. The human rights center counselor can contact you to confirm the date of the consultation.
(It may be difficult to proceed when applying on the same day)

Name Birth Date
Gender Mobile No.
E-mail Address Department
UNIST account Desired date
Apply to Counsel
Sexual harassment and sexual
violence counseling
sex-related counseling
Consultation on Human Rights Violations
Additional Comment
By providing consent for the collection and use of personal information(you acknowledge that refusal to provide consent may result in restricted access to our services.)

I agree to the collection and use of my personal information as follows:
- Personal information collection items: name, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number, email, affiliation, school/job number.
- Purpose of personal information use: The information will only be used for counseling, case handling, and research purposes.
- Personal Information Processing: Human Rights Center.
- Personal information retention and use period: The collected personal information will be retained for a period of 5 years.

I understand that the information processing entity is required to retain my personal information for the duration prescribed by relevant laws and regulations. I acknowledge that I have the right to refuse the collection of the aforementioned personal information, but I understand that if I refuse to consent, I may not receive smooth assistance for consultation and case handling.

Consent to the collection and use of sensitive information (Restriction of service in case of non-consent).

I agree to collect and use my sensitive information as follows:
·Sensitive information collection items: Consultation and investigation on sexual harassment, sexual violence, and human rights violations.
· Purpose of sensitive information use: It will only be used for counseling, case handling, and research purposes.
· Sensitive Information Processing Body: Human Rights Center.

I acknowledge that the information processing entity will retain my personal information for the period specified by relevant laws and regulations.

I hereby certify that I have the right to refuse the collection of such sensitive information. However, I understand that by refusing to consent, I may not receive smooth assistance for consultation and case handling.